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Oldest Living Creature: Madagascar Radiated Tortoise
Geochelone radiata
A Madagascar radiated tortoise presented to the Tongan royal family by the British explorer
Captain Cook in either 1773 or 1777 lived to the age of at least 188
years old! The animal was called Tui Malila. The venerated tortoise
appears in the photo at right taken in 1953 when Queen Elizabeth and
the Duke of Edinburgh visited the Tongan royal family.
Madagascar radiated tortoises are
an endangered species found living only in the extreme south of the
Island of Madagascar. They are called radiated tortoises because of
the unique pattern of coloring on their shells, where yellow streaks
radiate from the the 'scales' on the top shell - the carapace.
The Secret to Long Life
Tortoises can live extra long lives
because their vital systems do not weaken with age, as ours do. They
can also survive for very long periods without water or food, living
off of their 'reserves'. If you've ever watched a tortoise move you
know that they are extremely S-L-O-W. They can go for very long periods
without moving, too. An animal that can go without food or moving for
a long time has very low energy requirements. In other words, it doesn't
take much to keep these tough guys going, and going and going...
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