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Extreme Scientists
a directory of all the Extreme Scientists featured in Extreme Science.
On each scientist's page you'll find a list of the his or her degrees,
such as a B.S. in Biological Science, or an M.S. in Geophysics. Degrees
represent a level of education, or specialization of knowledge, that
you can obtain by going to college. Here's the skinny on the types of
degrees and what they mean...
a Bachelor of Science. This degree means that the scientist
went to college and studied a general area of science, like Biology
or Math, for about four years . The area of science they studied
follows the degree. So, if somebody has a B.S. in Geology, you
know they graduated from a four-year college and studied geological
science. By getting a B.S. degree you can sometimes get a job
doing science, but people who want to do research usually go on
to "graduate school" and get another degree....
Master of Science. A scientist who has this degree went
to graduate school, which usually takes from two to four years.
While they were in graduate school they studied their area of
interest in science in much greater detail, learning more specialized
knowledge and learning how to do research. Sometimes, scientists
want to get even more, highly specialized knowledge in their "field
of study", so they can be leaders in the field of research science.
They go on to get another degree.... |
means Doctor of Philosophy. Scientists who have this degree
took anywhere from four to ten years to get it and are usually
referred to by their title. For example, Indiana Jones is called
Doctor Jones. The fictional character of Indiana Jones in the
"Raiders of the Lost Ark" movie has his Ph.D. in Archaeological
Science - the study of ancient human civilizations. Scientists
who are called "Doctor" are not medical doctors, like the ones
who take care of you when you're sick. Their title refers to the
level of specialization and education that they have achieved
in their field of study.